The library welcomes volunteers. We are proud of our volunteers and the contribution that each of them contributes to our success. Please complete this application and return it to the library. You will be contacted when a position or training opportunity is available.
We do not handle court ordered community service hours at this time. (a United Way initiative) provides court ordered community service opportunities.
Bookmark Café
Our unique Bookmark Café operates as a library fundraiser and is staffed by a wonderful group of volunteers. We would love to be able to extend the hours as well as establish a list of substitutes to back up our current volunteers.
As the library has become so much busier, we are in need of volunteers to “adopt” manageable sections of the library’s collection to regularly maintain the order and appearance of the shelving sections. A two-hour per week commitment at the convenience of the volunteers would make a real difference in our ability to maintain order in the collection.
Daily Holds
Every morning and afternoon we print a list of our items being requested by other libraries or by our own patrons. We need volunteers to work one or more mornings or afternoons for 1-2 hours to help us pull these items from the shelves.