Would you like to make a monetary donation online? Please click here.
Annual Fund Drive
Every year, Manlius residents make a resounding statement about the quality of life here. Between November and February, library supporters contribute to our Annual Fund Drive. These generous contributions allow us to continue providing excellent service, a first-rate collection, and extensive programming.
Monetary donations may be made year-round. For special donations or restricted gifts, please contact the library director.
To donate to the library online, click here and visit our Square page.
The library accepts book/DVD/media donations by appointment. If you have items you’d like to donate, please set up an appointment by calling the desk at 315-682-6400 and arranging a drop-off time or click here to book your appointment online. When you arrive, a librarian will sort through the items, select which can be used for the ongoing book sale, and then return any remaining items to you. You may bring in the equivalent of two boxes or bags of books at one time.
Donations We Do Accept
- Hardcover books in good condition
- Paperbacks in good condition
- Mass market paperbacks in good condition
- DVDs
- Blu-rays
- Video games
- LPs (records)
Donations We Do Not Accept
- Cassette Tapes
- VHS Tapes
- Encyclopedias
- National Geographic Magazines
- Reader’s Digest Condensed Books
- Textbooks
- Items stored in basement or garage or covered with dust, unidentified debris, cobwebs, mold, etc.
- Items with the following: water damage, mold, missing pages, broken bindings, bad odor, etc.
Cell Phones
Recycle your used cell phones by placing them in the battery recycling box located in the vestibule, right inside the front doors. Phones will be taken care of by Call2Recycle.
We are not accepting any clothing donations at this time.
Manlius Library serves as a collection point for the Diaper Bank of CNY. Bring in open or new boxes of disposable diapers and they will be picked up within a week, to be distributed to families in need.
Previously used prescription eyeglasses may be dropped off at the library to be given to the Manlius Lions Club. Or, drop off reading glasses to be used by patrons here in the library.
During April and May, Manlius Library and other member libraries of the OCPL system collect unserviceable flags for proper disposal at the Memorial Day Weekend Watchfire ceremony on the NYS Fairgrounds.
All year round, Manlius Library serves as a collection point for FM food pantry donations. Items such as coffee, soup, tuna, peanut butter, jelly, cereal, pasta, beans, canned vegetables, paper products, and laundry detergent are always welcome.
Right now, the pantry is in particular need of:
-cannellini beans
-great northern beans
-canned fruit cocktail, peaches, & pineapple
-tomato sauce
-tuna fish
-beef broth
-full-size toothpaste
-paper towels
-dishwashing liquid
Click here to learn more about the FM food pantry.
Hats & Mittens
During the months of October and November, the library collects hats, mittens, gloves, and scarves to be donated to the FM Food Pantry. Please make sure items are new or gently used.
School Supplies
Every summer, we collect new and unused school supplies to be distributed by school nurses to kids in need at FayEl, Enders Road, and Mott Road. Consider picking up some extra crayons (24 count), markers, glue sticks, colored pencils (12 pack), no. 2 pencils, pens, highlighters, large pink erasers, two pocket folders, notebooks, safety scissors, pencil boxes, 3-ring binders, 3-ring loose-leaf paper, 12 inch rulers, sticky notes, lunch bags, and especially backpacks. Please make sure all items are new and unused.
Through the generosity of our patrons, the library has delivered over 500 items to the schools each year!
Manlius Library is home to a Seed Library and accepts seed and bulb donations all year long. Please bring your donations to the desk and we will put them in the drawers for you. If the seeds are not labeled already, we have packets at the desk to write down all the necessary information. (Please make sure seeds are dried.) Email Laura at lmajor@manliuslibrary.org with any questions.